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13 July, 2023

Marketing with Mindfulness Amidst Taiwan’s Me Too Moment

Taiwan is experiencing a historic moment of social awakening, as more than 100 people have come forward publicly in the last month to share their stories of sexual violence and harassment. The catalyst for this surge of revelations was a Netflix series called “Wave Makers,” which depicts a fictional presidential campaign and a sexual harassment scandal within the ruling party. The show resonated with many viewers who felt inspired to break their silence and seek justice for themselves or others.

The Me Too movement in Taiwan has exposed the pervasive culture of sexism and abuse that exists in various sectors of society, from politics to entertainment to academia. Some of the most prominent figures accused of sexual misconduct include Yen Chin-fa, an adviser to President Tsai Ing-wen, Wang Dan, a leader of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, and Bei Ling, a renowned poet and dissident. The allegations have sparked public outrage, calls for accountability, and demands for legal and social reforms.

As marketers, we cannot ignore the impact of this situation on our audience and our industry. We need to be mindful of how we communicate with our customers and stakeholders, and how we position our brands in this sensitive context. Here are some tips on how to market with mindfulness in Taiwan’s Me Too moment:

  • Be aware of the tone and language you use in your marketing messages. Avoid any words or phrases that could be perceived as sexist, victim-blaming, trivializing, or insensitive to the issue of sexual violence. For example, do not use terms like “flirt,” “seduce,” “tease,” or “play hard to get” in your copy, as they could imply unwanted or coercive behavior. Instead, use words that convey respect, consent, empowerment, and equality.

  • Be careful about the images and visuals you use in your marketing materials. Avoid any images that could be seen as objectifying, sexualizing, or stereotyping women or men. For example, do not use images that show women in revealing or suggestive outfits, or men in dominant or aggressive poses. Instead, use images that show diversity, inclusion, and respect for people of all genders and backgrounds.

  • Be supportive of the Me Too movement and its goals. Even if your brand does not have a direct connection to the issue of sexual violence, you can still show your solidarity and empathy with the survivors and advocates. For example, you can share relevant information and resources on your social media platforms, donate to organizations that support victims and prevention efforts, or participate in campaigns that raise awareness and education on the issue.

  • Be prepared to handle any potential crisis or backlash related to the Me Too movement. If your brand or any of your employees or partners are accused of sexual misconduct, you need to act swiftly and responsibly. Do not deny, dismiss, or deflect the allegations. Instead, acknowledge them, apologize sincerely, and take concrete actions to address them. For example, you can launch an internal investigation, suspend or terminate the accused person, provide support and compensation to the victim, or implement new policies and training to prevent future incidents.

By following these tips, you can market with mindfulness in Taiwan’s Me Too moment. By doing so, you can not only avoid damaging your brand reputation and losing customers’ trust, but also contribute to creating a safer and more respectful society for everyone.